Greenwich, CT Newborn Photography

Should I really do Greenwich newborn photos?

You’ve heard it before – the newborn phase is fleeting, and babies change so quickly during the fist year – from smushed up tiny otherworldly being to toddling, opinionated human. I became a Mama in 2021, and to be honest, while I was in the newborn phase, it did not feel fleeting. Actually, it felt like it would never end & that maybe I might not make it through – but here we are.

I gathered my Mama strength to make newborn photos happen (it will be less tricky for you as you will not be taking your own photos like me) and created timeless photographs of my newborn that we will love forever. We have a beautiful photo album of his newborn photos that will become a family heirloom for him to pass on. I’m so glad I pushed through the postpartum challenges and made it happen.

Some people are blissed out with their newborn. If that’s you, I’m so happy for you, and your shoot will be a smooth sailing dream. Others of us are not exactly “enjoying every moment” of sleep deprivation, acid reflux, and latching drama (hi). I’ll meet you in that tender place. There’s nothing you have to do other than be with your newborn. We will do your session at your home so it is as non-disruptive as possible for the whole family.

Click here to learn more about my newborn photo shoot process. And here are some tips on what to wear for your newborn photo shoot!

I am here to honor this moment with you by creating art out of the everyday beauty underneath it all.

You got this!

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