What's better than family photos in Gardiner?

My intention as a family photographer is to create timeless, beautiful photos you will treasure as family heirlooms. But it's a lot more than that. As a Gardiner family photographer, I'm aiming to capture the unique spirit & story of your family. I want to honor the love you pour into your people. I want to follow you and your family as you grow and change over the years, witnessing every new addition, growth spurt and attitude adjustment (that last one can be a little scary but I'm here for it).

This is what I'm after:
Connection, joy, gratitude, affirmation and belonging.

My son already loves looking at the dozens of photos of his first year adorning the wall of his room. As he grows, our home will fill with more and more family photos. He will look at them and know: I am loved. I belong. I am not alone.

And a lifetime later, when we aren't here, whoever loves us can open that album, drink in those timeless photographs, and feel that connection always.

Let's go play in the yard, on the sofa, at a park, in the mountains, by the water, in the village - wherever your family's favorite spot is in Gardiner!

Click here for more about family photos with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light lifestyle family portrait photography -

Gardiner, NY family Photography


A gallery of 45+ beautiful, edited photos that capture you and your family authentically. 

An online gallery delivered within four weeks of our session that you can easily download all high resolution files from. You can order thoughtfully sourced, gorgeous & long lasting art products (prints, wall art, albums & more) directly through your gallery.

Any help from me that you need along the way.

you'll get:

• Down to earth
• Stress free & no pressure
• Painless & Relaxed
• Candid
• Collaborative  
• Punctuated with feeding breaks & diaper changes
•Photographed by a fellow parent who is happy to hold, change & tend to your child so you can maybe sit down for a minute
• Absurdly adorable & worth the valiant effort

your Baby's session will be:


Are you going to bring props?
↳NOPE NOPE NOPE. If you are into your baby being dressed like a vegetable and placed in a basket, you do you. I'm not your girl! I find babies to be fascinating little works of art all on their own that don't need much extra help to create beautiful photographs. We may use some items you have at home - baby blankets, pillows, sweet headbands, etc - to accessorize baby and make her/him comfortable while we photograph.

What is your turn around time?
↳Your edited, frame worthy, curated gallery will be delivered via online gallery within 4 weeks of our session.

Wait. I have another question...
↳Shoot me an email!

When should I book?
↳For newborn shoots, as soon as you know your due date! We'll pencil in a date for a week after you're due, and I'll keep availability open around that date so you are guaranteed a shoot.

When is the best time to do a newborn shoot?
↳It's always a good time to photograph your new baby! For those sleepy, womb-like poses, we should shoot within two weeks of birth - 5-12 days after birth is ideal. That being said, that's kind of a busy time and photos might not be a top priority. I photographed my son at 8 weeks old - by then he was smiling, less smushed up, and engaging! I've photographed babies at all stages, and my philosophy is - just do it when you can, but DO IT!

Are you going to pose my baby?
↳I am 100% not putting your baby in a basket, shoe, pile of stuffed animals, etc. If you have a baby that is happy being put down, then I will do some gentle posing. Most babies prefer to be held, which is just perfect. I'll provide you with some gentle guidance to optimize your. natural movement for the camera.

I really encourage the entire family to get in the frame, but if you're really really sure that's not for you, it's totally ok.

Let's create beautiful photos of your love(s) that you can hang on your walls and print into albums to enjoy when they're no longer little.

You know as a parent or beloved caretaker - kids change so much, so quickly. Capturing them growing up - growing into themselves - is such a special way to honor your work and dedication as their nurturer.

I've worked with kids in a variety of capacities other than photography - I was a teaching artist for years teaching neurodiverse kiddos of all ages with a wide range of backgrounds. I will meet your child wherever they are and they will be my guide to creating timeless photographs that showcase the beauty inherent in all of us, so easy to see in children.

As a parent myself, nothing will phase me. Bring on the spit up, potty jokes (I've never found something more effective at eliciting those uninhibited, joyous smiles than a good old fashioned potty joke), dirt & tantrums. We got this!

Click here for more about child photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light lifestyle child portrait photography -

Gardiner Child Photography

Capturing families from bump to baby with maternity & newborn photography sessions in Gardiner, available as stand alone sessions or a bundle (of photography joy). We'll start by honoring that tender time of anticipation (and rib kicking & nausea?) and then, of course, there's the beautiful new being.

Our maternity photography session can be at your Gardiner home or outdoors (or both!) and be just you or involve the whole family. I'll help you decide what to wear and gently guide you through our session, tweaking your natural movements & postures to create beautiful timeless photos of you & your bump that you'll love looking back on.

Some of us feel like beautiful glowing goddesses during pregnancy. Others of us feel like gassy. sweaty watermelon smugglers. Most of us probably feel a mix of all the things. I'll meet you where you are. As a Mama myself, I get it. It's a lot.

Let's honor this stage of maternity pants & maxi dresses by creating authentic photographs that you can look back on and say "hey, I actually looked beautiful, and that was a meaningful period of my life. Also - wow, I grew a human. I did that. I am amazing."

Click here for more about maternity photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light lifestyle maternity portrait photography -

Gardiner Maternity Photography

You've heard it before - the newborn phase is fleeting, and babies change so quickly during the fist year - from smushed up tiny otherworldly being to toddling, opinionated human. I became a Mama in 2021, and to be honest, while I was in the newborn phase, it did not feel fleeting. Actually, it felt like it would never end & that maybe I might not make it through - but here we are.

I gathered my Mama strength to make newborn photos happen (it will be less tricky for you as you will not be taking your own photos like me) and created timeless photographs of my newborn that we will love forever. We have a beautiful photo album of his newborn photos that will become a family heirloom for him to pass on. I'm so glad I pushed through the postpartum challenges and made it happen.

Some people are blissed out with their newborn. If that's you, I'm so happy for you, and your shoot will be a smooth sailing dream. Others of us are not exactly "enjoying every moment" of sleep deprivation, acid reflux, and latching drama (hi). I'll meet you in that tender place. There's nothing you have to do other than be with your newborn.

I am here to honor this moment with you by creating art out of the everyday beauty underneath it all.

You got this!

Click here for more about newborn photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light lifestyle child portrait photography -

Gardiner newborn Photography

First of all - click here for why I think the Hudson Valley is the perfect place for your branding shoot. It totally applies to Gardiner.

I create down-to-earth images that authentically represent you and your brand at a surprisingly easy, low-stress and possibly silly photo session that will make you feel as awesome as you are.

My clients are coaches, yogis, teachers, writers, speakers, artists and creatives all offering their clients a service that adds value to their lives.

It's really important to me that you feel amazing about how your business is being presented to the world. Our work together will help enable you to do the work you know you're here to do.

Click here for more about branding photography sessions with Laura Simon Photography including some full session galleries!

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Gardiner Brand Photography

This is where Laura Volpacchio Photography was born (very pre "Laura Simon" days!) From professional dancer to professional photographer, headshots were the natural bridge.

Offering headshots for actors, dancers, professionals, teachers, coaches, healers, therapists, yogis, authors, entrepreneurs, online daters, adorable kids - ok, headshots for everyone. We could all use an authentic, approachable, attractive shot of our face these days.

Photographing headshots in Westchester, NYC, The Hudson Valley & The Hamptons. Natural light only because authenticity is my jam, and the earth will always have prettier light than the studio (speaking as someone who shot in studio for years - over it!!)

Headshot sessions start at $495.

Click here for more about headshot sessions with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light headshot photography -

Gardiner headshot Photography

I exclusively photograph "not a wedding" weddings in Gardiner, the Catskills & the Hudson Valley - those intimate family gatherings, city hall civil ceremonies and park elopements.

Even though your wedding is more low-key than most others, it's still a wedding and will be one of the most important days of your life - photography, of course, is essential!

I can't wait to hear more about all the details of your special day and truly understand how important it is to have not only photographs of your wedding that you love, but a photographer who can vibe with you on this monumental occasion.

All of my intimate wedding packages include a private online gallery of 75+ high resolution, edited images available for download, and access to my full line of products with one-on-one design & ordering assistance.

Click here for more about elopement photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light elopement photography -

Gardiner elopement Photography

These sessions are not for the faint of heart - yes, they are 100% worth it in the end, but as one of my Grooms recently said to his new Fiancé in the middle of our session (after she said "yes"): "this took years off of my life - and Laura's!"

I'm glad to say I don't think secret proposals take years off of my life, but they are an extraordinary amount of preparation on both my part and the part of the proposer (and fellow conspirators).

I've been successfully photographing secret proposals for years and it always ends up being an incredibly rewarding experience for all - but I do know what does and does not work when considering embarking on the secret proposal photoshoot.

All proposal packages include extensive, stealthy planning, unobnoxious (they won't realize I'm there) photography of the big moment and a full engagement shoot right after "yes" happens. 

Click here for more about proposal photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light proposal photography -

Gardiner (Secret) proposal Photography

Gardiner is the perfect place to honor the commitment you've made to each other, whether it was just a few days ago with "yes" or decades ago with "I do".

Engagement photographs are an exciting way to start your journey towards marriage and honor the usually pretty short chapter of being a fiancé. Not to mention, perfect materials for Save the Dates!

Anniversary photography is such a special way to honor the life journey you are on together. Often the wedding is the last time couples had professional photos taken of themselves - and I'm talking just them, without the kiddos if there are any. This is a beautiful way to reconnect and create timeless heirloom images you & yours will cherish.

Click here for more about engagement & anniversary photography with Laura Simon Photography.

 - natural light engagement & anniversary photography -

Gardiner engagement & anniversary Photography

Can you even believe they are graduating?

High school senior photography portrait sessions in Gardiner are such a fun way (well, for many but certainly not all) to honor this transitional time. We'll create stunning images to hang all over your walls at home and print in an album so that when they are away, you'll still have them right there with you.

This is also a great way for young adults to get a professional headshot as they embark on employment endeavors - whether they are pursuing art, entrepreneurship, or corporate vocations. I love collaborating with seniors to create images they love and can't wait to share!

 - natural light high school senior photography -

Gardiner high school senior Photography

Let's create art with your magic moments in Gardiner, NY!