Where should I do brand photos?

The answer to this is actually really, really simple. We should do your brand photos in a space that represents your brand. For some people, this means outside. For others, a streetscape makes sense. Some people have access to a beautiful office or studio space with natural light that lends itself really well to natural light branding photography. And if you don’t have access to a space like this – I can help you!

Ultimately, your entire brand photo shoot will be a collaboration, and one of the launching points for that collaboration is figuring out the location that makes the most sense for your business.

Brand photos in your own space – an office, studio, home, backyard, etc

This is one of my favorite options. Photographing your brand photos in the space you work in can help to convey an authentic image for your brand. If you see clients in your space, including branding photos of you in your space on your website is a great way to foster connection and familiarity before they even come in to your space!

This is always a conversation, because as the branding photographer I have to make sure the space will work to create the best possible branding photos we can. If your space isn’t going to work, don’t worry! There are plenty of other options for locations that accurately convey your brand for your entrepreneur photos.

Brand photography in a rented studio space (but still with ONLY natural light, yay!)

I have access to two studios with beautiful natural light that provide perfect blank canvases for us to create a vibe that represents your brand. One is in Long Island City if you need NYC branding photos, and the other is in Cold Spring, New York for Hudson Valley brand photos and Westchester brand photos. There is an additional fee to rent these spaces – it’s a nominal addition to your full investment in branding photos. Although these are two spaces I love photographing in, they are certainly not the only options, and I’m happy to help you explore other spaces we can rent for your branding photo shoot.

Westchester Branding Photographer
Westchester Branding Photographer

Outside – nature or streetscape

There are about one million options for outdoor branding shoots. We can photograph in any of the numerous parks around the Hudson Valley, Westchester, Fairfield County and NYC. There are adorable townscapes with different vibes and of course the city streets of NYC for NYC brand photos. Click here for some great spots in the Hudson Valley for Hudson Valley brand photos.

Westchester Brand Photographer
Westchester Brand Photographer
Hudson Valley Brand Photographer
Hudson Valley Brand Photographer

“Where” to do branding photos can also be connected to “when” to do branding photos

Click here to check out my thoughts on branding shoots throughout the seasons.

Book your brand photos!

If you’re looking for a Westchester photographer, Hudson Valley photographer, Fairfield County photographer or NYC photographer to do branding photography for you, hop on over to my contact form to reach out and see if I’m the girl for you.

Talk soon!

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