Westchester family photos at home

I’ve been a professional family photographer in New York for 10+ years. I started as an NYC photographer, then expanded to become a Westchester photographer, Hudson Valley photographer (my home!), Fairfield County photographer (where I grew up!) and Hamptons photographer.

So – it’s winter and we are kind of in hibernation mode over here. Although I get outside with my toddler and pup every day, we spend a lot more time indoors than we do in the warmer months.

NYC family photos in an NYC apartment with a family of three.

I am also a parent who values family photography…

Since becoming a Mama (my son just turned 2) I understand my clients on a whole new level.  I mean, getting it together to do a photoshoot with a toddler – or any number of kids, pets, partner etc – is A LOT. 

I really get it. I KNOW how important and valuable family photos are. It’s the backbone of my work as a photographer. It’s literally my job. I see how my son connects with the dozens of beautiful images on the walls of our home. And STILL, I can be resistant to taking family photos. It just feels like so. much. work. It doesn’t help that I’m using a tripod and remote trigger to actually take the photos myself (SEE BELOW). It would definitely be useful if I had a professional photographer like me to do our shoots. Super cheesy segway – YOU DO have a professional family photographer like me to do your shoots! You’re in luck 😉 So obnoxious, I know. If you’ve gotten this far, you’re welcome.

Photos at home are the easiest way to make family photos happen!

Seriously though – I’ve found that the easiest way to do my own family photos is to be in our home or right outside of it. And now that we are in the winter season, with a little less craziness, it’s really a great time to spend some snuggly time inside and create beautiful photos at home. There’s something really special about including your home in your photos. Your home is the space that holds you and your family. It is like a silent witness to your daily life. Isn’t it special to look at photos of you & your family during childhood and be like “oh! That’s in Nana’s kitchen in the chair she always gave me pudding” or “I drew all over the other side of that door and Mom wanted to kill me!” Our homes hold so much of who we are – literally and figuratively. They are a perfect setting for our photos.

I want your family photography experience to be as easy as possible for you!

My goal – from booking to getting frames and albums delivered to your door – is to make this process as easy as possible for you. 

Custom framed photography prints hang on the wall of a Westchester home with Westchester maternity photos.

You do not have time to deal. To sort through a ton of photos that are just ok and then request extra editing. 

You don’t have time to figure out how to lay out frames on your walls. You are kind of really busy with the whole being a parent thing, and all the other things you do and are.

Natural family photography at home is the way to go!

I am a very casual photographer. I want things to look real, but still gorgeous. The key is a combination of using natural light and letting my clients JUST BE rather than being all weird and doing stuff like sticking a baby in a bowl of fruit (if that’s your thing that’s totally cool – I’m def not the girl for you). 

Family photos at home in the Hudson Valley with a family snuggled on the couch with their toddler, newborn and dog.

I do not bring equipment with me – I worked with studio light for years, and determined that natural light is my preferred aesthetic, because it looks…well, real. Also there is nothing natural & authentic about having a giant flashing light in your home. 

It will only be me, my camera, and the little monkey that goes around my lens and farts an awful lot. Who doesn’t laugh at a farting monkey?

Book an at-home family, newborn or maternity photography session in the Hudson Valley, Westchester, Fairfield County or NYC!

On that note – I offer sessions all over Westchester County, Fairfield County, the Hudson Valley & NYC. Hop on over to my website & send me a note to book your winter session.

Be cozy!

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